I have a question. Are you one of the 49% mentioned below? If so, why?
6% of Americans believe the Apollo moon landings were faked (Newport, 1999).
20% of Americans believe the sun revolves around the earth (Dean, 2005).
23% of self identified republicans believe their state should secede from the union.
24% of self identified republicans believe Obama "wants the terrorists to win" (Daily Kos, 2010).
24% of Americans believe in reincarnation.
25% of Americans believe in Astrology (Pew, 2009).
37% of Americans believe the sun will burn out at some point in the future.
40% of Americans believe in lucky numbers (Lightman & Miller, 1989).
44% of Americans believe God created humans in their present form sometime within the last 10,000 years (Gallup, 2008).
49% of Americans say they have had a religious or mystical experience defined as "a moment of sudden religious insight or awakening" (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 2009).
100% of Benjamin Wheeler Ady IIIs believe that their Megan is madly in love with them (Ady, 2010).
Ady, B. W. (2010). Our make believe defines our reality, religious/mystical
experiences, and a question. Upside Down Under. Retrieved from
Daily Kos. (2010). Daily kos/research 2000 poll. Daily Kos. Retrieved from
Dean, C. (2005, August 30). Scientific savvy? In U.S., not much. The New York
Times. Retrieved from
Gallup. (2008). Origin of Human Life. Gallup. Retrieved from
Lightman, A. P., & Miller, J. D. (1989). Contemporary cosmological beliefs.
Social Studies of Science, 19(1), 127-136. Retrieved from
Newport, F. (1999). Landing a man on the moon: The public's view. Gallup
News Service. Retrieved from
Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life. (2009). Eastern, new age beliefs
widespread: Many Americans mix multiple faiths. Retreived from